Downtown Landmarks

Cindy’s Diner

Columbia Street
The Embassy Theater
Henry’s Restaurant
Toscani’s Pizzeria 2006-2017

16 Responses to Downtown Landmarks

  1. Angie Miller says:

    Diane, your art is beautiful. Can you tell me where I can purchase one of your landmark paintings? I am particularly interested in the JK O’Donnells, Cindy’s Diner and Coney Island.

    • grutysd1 says:

      Thank you. The best selection of Reproductions and Notecards is at the Fort Wayne Museum of Arts, Paradigm Gallery. If you would like different sizes then they carry call my Studio/Home at 420-4717. Thank You for your interest in my work.

    • Mark welch says:

      I located a JK O’Donnell’s archival quality print with what appears to be original signature. Is this something an art lover would appreciate?

  2. Linda Rollins says:

    Do you have a postcard or painting of the Philmore? My daughter ‘s wedding reception will be held there. I thought this would be a nice keepsake if you have.


  3. Really love your art, Diane. It truly reminds me of the work of a longtime friend of mine, Judith Suroweic. She’s got a website. Google her name and you’ll be able to find it. By the way, two of my favorites among your paintings, a pub and a small grocery (?) were seen only in a very small image. I would love to see them more closely.

  4. Janet says:

    Have you ever thought about doing Zesto’s of Broadway?

  5. grutysd1 says:

    I can leave comments!

  6. John Clark says:

    Can I purchase prints. We have moved to Savannah and wish to add some of your Fort Wayne prints to our walls.

    • grutysd1 says:

      John, Sorry for the delay. I’d love to have some of my giclee (archival) prints in Savannah! If we can work through my email : Check out my price list on this site, figure out your sizes and the images you’d like and let me know via email and we can go from there! Thanks SO MUCH for thinking of me!

  7. Rebecca Reeder says:

    Do you have North Side Hogh School? We have some pretty deep family history there and would love to add it to my collection of your prints.

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